At Thaithonburi, we meticulously pick for the finest of thai premium products from a wide selection of goods that are certified by international standards. Our choices are supported by credible research, with proven effectiveness through clinical trials and customer testimonials.
We thoroughly inspect and audit all fundamentals and lay out a foundation for the agricultural sector, including farmers and cultivators, to follow Thailand’s EarthSafe standard – which instigates sustainable agricultural practices that are safe for people, the environment, and Mother Nature.
ThaiThonburi, together with a team of professional auditors and subject experts, followand inspect from the very first steps of soil amendments, substance & fertilizerselection, water sourcing to the production stage to ensure international productionstandards are met.
Our efforts are put in with our consumers at mind, thus we canassure that we deliver to you the best of Thai premium products with pride.
Become the number one online platform that presents Thailand’s outstanding premium products entrusted by both Thai and international consumers
Become a reliable and trustworthy e-commerce platform that sells premium
products of Thailand.
Curate high quality innovative agricultural products backed by reliable research to develop and produce under international standards to earn thecustomer’s trust.
Encourage and bring about organic agricultural practices in compliance with King Rama 9’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and further implement sustainable and effective business activities.